Event Summary
Your mental health is as important as your physical health.
The timely Mental Health and Wellbeing Wales conference, chaired by Mind Cymru, brings together Welsh health and social care providers, employers, public service providers, schools, universities and community groups to discuss the next steps for improving mental health in Wales.
Nick Wood, Deputy Chief Executive, NHS Wales will discuss the delivery of the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Wales (2024-2034), the four key vision statements, funding for mental health and wellbeing services, and government priorities for wellbeing in the health and social care system
How do we create a connected system of support across health, social care and the third sector where people can access person-centred, compassionate, and recovery-focused services?
We will hear from leading mental health and public health experts including Mind Cymru, Samaritans Cymru, NHS Wales and Public Health Wales. We will hear from a lived experience representative to understand the challenges around mental health, accessing support and what we need to do to tackle stigma.
The draft Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Strategy was also launched earlier this year. Understand the main causes of suicide, and how it affects the most vulnerable groups. How do we embed prevention, intervention and provide person-centred and needs led support for self-harm and suicide?
As an employer, you will learn how to effectively handle suicidal conversations in the workplace and ensure your staff are well-equipped to implement a ‘no wrong’ door approach to support.
Spotlighting best practice, we will hear from leading workplaces and third sector organisations on embedding a trauma informed approach, early intervention and creating sustainable change to prioritise mental wellbeing and suicide prevention across society.
Mental health is a key determinant of educational success, employment and physical health outcomes. We will hear how to tackle existing mental health inequalities, stamp out discrimination and support vulnerable groups to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Join us at the Cardiff Marriott for a half-day of insightful discussions, networking, and knowledge sharing. Ensure mental wellbeing is a key priority in your organisation.
Brochure can be provided in Welsh. Cysylltwch am y llyfryn Cymraeg – email info@policyinsight.wales
Key Points
- Delivering the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024 – 2034
- Next steps for the Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Strategy
- Creating clear pathways to support and equal access to services
- Raising awareness of mental health, suicide and self-harm amongst the public, businesses, public sector organisations, schools, colleges and universities
- Using multi-agency partnerships to improve signposting to information, early intervention and access to support
- Spotlighting a trauma-informed approach
- Learning from lived experience to tackle stigma around mental health
- Effectively managing situations of mental health crisis at work and guidance for handling suicidal conversations in the workplace
Venue details and access
In-person: This fully accessible conference will take place at the Cardiff Marriott. Attend this half-day event in person to network and learn from your peers.