Event Summary
The implementation of the Curriculum for Wales is ongoing, with rollout for years 10 and 11 in 2025. The Welsh Government has introduced new statutory guidance on curriculum design for literacy, numeracy, and digital and has highlighted that many schools need more support with progression and assessment.
Join us this January for our timely Curriculum for Wales: Progression and Assessment Digital Conference to hear directly from the Welsh Government on its policy priorities for strengthening assessment and progression and the next steps for education reform. A range of inspirational speakers, including headteachers and educational experts, will share practical ideas to aid you in your setting.
How do you embed both assessment and progression into daily teaching and learning? We will delve into practical methods and solutions for creating curriculum design with impact, along with effectively monitoring and recording progress.
What does progress look like? Hear from expert speakers who will discuss how to develop a shared understanding of progression in your setting and help pupils reach their potential. Learn how to support the progression of all students and realise the ambitions of the Curriculum for Wales.
School-to-school collaboration will be key to developing effective progression and assessment practices. Bringing together best practice settings from across Wales, we will take an inclusive, cross-cutting approach to share strategies that help you work collaboratively with key partners to improve outcomes for all learners.
Join us online this January to learn, share ideas and network with colleagues from across the country. Make sure you are equipped to strengthen progression and assessment arrangements in your setting.
Materials can be provided in Welsh. Email: info@policyinsight.wales. Gallwn ddarparu deunyddiau yn Gymraeg. E-bost:info@policyinsight.wales
Please allow 7 days for materials to be provided in Welsh. Caniatewch 7 diwrnod i ddeunyddiau gael eu darparu yn Gymraeg.
Key Points
- Welsh Government priorities for supporting assessment and progression
- Ensuring assessment is intrinsic to curriculum design
- Approaching assessment as a continual journey
- Developing your approach to self-evaluation and accountability
- Effectively identifying and reflecting on individual learner progress
- Practical solutions for monitoring assessment data across your setting to drive continual improvement
- Case studies for helping learners to play a part in their own progression
- Creating opportunities for professional learning to enable staff to work creatively and innovatively
- Supporting the progression of ALN learners: recognising that progress looks different for each student
- Promoting cluster working to establish a progressive approach to the Curriculum for Wales
In-person: his conference will take place at the COSLA Conference Centre, Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh. Attend this full-day event to network, build relationships and learn from your peers. The venue is fully DDA compliant with lift access and an induction loop system. Please inform us of special requirements at least 14 days prior to the conference. SponsorshipInterested in sponsoring this event? Click here for sponsorship opportunities. View all our conferences, events and training here. Group discountsContact us for group rates. |