Featured Event
Discover a range of conferences and training events to advance your professional development in the education sector. Our events offer a unique platform for individuals to learn and enhance their skills while keeping up with the latest research and best practices.
Our education conferences cover a diverse range of topics related to teaching and learning, inspections, curriculum design, classroom management, assessment and evaluation, safeguarding, and support for students. You will have the opportunity to hear expert speakers share their insights, research, and experience to help you develop new skills and strategies to apply in your own educational setting.
Hear best practice and evidence-based strategies from a range of schools (early years, primary and secondary schools, colleges, PRUs and special schools). Understand how they are improving teaching and learning, delivering tailored support to support staff wellbeing and raising aspirations for all pupils.
Join us to gain valuable insight and knowledge that can help you grow and develop in your career, and educate the next generation of young people.