Event Summary

Early insights from Estyn’s Annual Report show that attendance remains substantially lower than it was before the pandemic with nearly half of secondary schools given the recommendation to improve attendance in their setting*.

Join Policy Insight Wales this April for the return of our popular School Attendance Digital Conference as we share expert advice and best practice insights to help you raise attendance rates in your setting.

Children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and those living in poverty are more likely to miss school. Learn how to mitigate the impact of socio-economic disadvantage and ensure all pupils are able to engage in teaching and learning.

What really works when tackling attendance? What does an effective attendance strategy look like? Leading schools from across the country will share their approaches to driving up attendance rates. You will hear how to create a strong culture and ethos around attendance in your setting.

School attendance strategies must be collaborative in order to reach pupils who are most at risk of missing school. Understand how you can work effectively with key partners including parents and family engagement officers (FEOs) to tackle the root causes of absenteeism.

With growing challenges around pupil mental health and wellbeing, we will share how to adopt a trauma-informed and pupil-led approach to improving attendance and best practice when supporting learners with emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA).

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to come together with schools from across Wales to learn, network and improve attendance rates in your setting.

Materials can be provided in Welsh. Email: info@policyinsight.wales.  Gallwn ddarparu deunyddiau yn Gymraeg. E-bost:info@policyinsight.wales

Please allow 7 days for materials to be provided in Welsh. Caniatewch 7 diwrnod i ddeunyddiau gael eu darparu yn Gymraeg.

*Estyn, October 2024

Key Points

  • Welsh Government policy and funding priorities to improve attendance rates following the pandemic
  • Developing an effective school attendance strategy
  • Reducing the impact of poverty and disadvantage on pupil attendance
  • Tackling persistent absence and the root causes of absenteeism
  • Analysing attendance data to drive improvement
  • Adopting a whole-school approach to improving attendance
  • Working effectively with key partners including local authorities and parents and carers


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